What Diagrind ® is doing
You might like to know about the measures Diagrind ® has taken to manage the risks of exposure to COVID-19 when we visit clients’ homes and businesses.
These include: increased hygiene measures, physical distancing where possible, not performing certain tasks, being only trades onsite whilst completing our jobs, conducting meetings outside, minimising visits to clients homes and businesses and providing estimates for works over phone and emails. The Diagrind ® Team will email you a form to complete before we attend and we appreciate you returning it to us. We will also keep you well informed, if for some reason a member of our team is exposed we will notify all of our clients and maintain quarantine until cleared.
What you can do
It is important to us to be able to continue to provide our regular service to you and your family at this time.
Please help us to manage the risks to the health and safety of our staff by cooperating with the measures we have outlined above. Do the same things for us that you are doing to keep your own family and friends healthy and well.
This includes frequent handwashing, covering your nose and mouth when you need to cough or sneeze with the crook of your arm or clean tissue and observing rules for physical distancing. More information can be found on the Department of Health website:
If you are concerned that the risk to you is too high we are always open to rescheduling. Please contact our team as soon as possible.
Please click here to download the form.