NSW: 0422565972     TAS: 0417 362 787
CAIRNS: 0427 151 275  


Did you know that in over 73% of cases, coatings fail because of poor surface preperation/insufficient bond profile?

16% of coatings fail because of excessive moisure and a contaminent transmission.

5% Due to poor installation/contractor error. - Not enough material thickness- Materials improperly mixes- Materials too hot or too cold to catalyze

4% Job Site conditions.- Excessive Air Movement-Inadequate surface / air temperature- inadequate lighting- Moisture / pedestrian / trade interference

2% Unknown / unexplained or untestable failures

It is important that the right grinders and diamonds are used to ensure that each surface is correctly prepared for any type of coating such as epoxy. Without the correct preparation the floor will delaminate over time and essential fail. It is important to create the right key to the concrete surface, this will give the coating/epoxy something to bind to ensuring that the floor doesnt quickly delaminate.  It is also critical that the floor is vacuumed clean to remove any dust or dirt that can contaminate the coating. 16% fail due to moisture and often this is because the inncorrect coating has been chosen for the application. Majority of epoxy coatings cannot be installed on green concrete, concrete must be a minimum of 28 days old. There are cases of older concrete having a high moiture level and this will require specialist coatings.  When done right epoxy floors can completely transform the space. Speak to us today and we will advise you on how and where to start.

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